15th Feb 2025Saturday 15th February
It is a lovely, though chilly, morning in Ulverston. Some more chilly weather is expected too. So wrap up warm and breathe in some wonderful fresh air!. You will certainly feel better for it, I am sure.
I stayed in last night, watched a bit of TV ( rubbish on Friday evenings) so got onto YouTube. Some great music to be found on that wonderful channel. Whatever you want you can have. And again!
I intend to go for a good walk this weekend as my lovely Trike is undergoing some very important and indeed some essential repairs. Some re-wiring, a capacitor, and a spring is needed. It will be all fettled by midweek and I will then discover a rejuvenated trike! I am very proud of that tricycle. I can get all over town with it of course. And sometimes a bit further too.
I am off to a black tie inner tonight. It is the Cocktails@5 Annual Banquet!. It is certainly going to be a memorable evening with uch good friends, enjoying a good meal and downing a few glasses of variously coloured liquids.. no doubt.
Might need a bit of a lie-in tomorrow.
Stay Safe! Stay Alert! Stay Calm" BE NICE TO ONE ANOTHER!
14th Feb 2025Friday 14th February
It's St Valentine's Day! Lots of joy, excitement, and wondering this morning.
How many are scratching their heads and thinking hard? Who sent it?
It's a brighter morning here in Ulverston, today. it is remaining chilly and it is going to get a bit colder still, according to the Met Boys. After all, it is still only mid-February so it is usually chilly at this time of year.
The Crown Green Bowling season is due to start soon, probably mid-March. The green is looking very good and this is down to the strenuous efforts of just one or two stalwart members of the club.. Bowling is a wonderful pastime. Very sociable and enjoyable. There are league matches that entails visiting other clubs around the area un receiving them to our green. It does include a spot of liquid refreshment too, of course.
Stay Safe! Stay Alert! Stay Calm! BE NICE TO ONE ANOTHER!
13th Feb 2025THURSDAY 13th February
A chilly, but clear day in Ulverston.
I had a nice day off yesterday, quite pleasant, nothing much and I feel somewhat better as a result. But happy o be back to work this morning.
Staa Safe! Stay Alert! Stay Calm! BE NIC£E TO ONE ANOTHER!